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EPIVINF brings together 6 international institutions working together towards the same goal: to decipher the relationship between epigenetic profiles, clinical outcome of viral infections and response to vaccination.

IrsiCaixa - Coordinator

IrsiCaixa is a leading research institute in infection and immunity. Established in 1995 with the aim of finding a solution to the then devastating HIV/AIDS pandemic, IrsiCaixa seeks solutions to viral, bacterial, and fungal infections through its accumulated knowledge in immunology and vaccines. At the same time, it addresses other cross-disciplinary biomedical challenges, such as the microbiome, cancer, Alzheimer’s, or aging, among others.

Official website:  

Logo Karolinska Institutet

Karolinska Institute

Karolinska Institute (Kl), founded in 1810, ranks as one of the world’s leading medical universities. KI accounts for 40% of all medical research in Sweden with around 4,700 employees. KI awards the annual Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. 

Official website:  

Ospedale San Raffaele

San Raffaele Hospital and San Raffaele Scientific Institute are major components of the San Raffaele Biomedical Park, the largest facility in Italy integrating hospital care, basic and clinical research, post-graduate teaching, biotechnology transfer, and science-to-industry interface. 

Official website:  

The Saarland University

The Saarland University (UDS) is a public research university located in Saarbrücken, the capital of the German state of Saarland. With 17.000 students, UDS is the largest university in the Saarland. The research focus is on live sciences, informatics, and nano sciences.  The UDS is closely associated with the Saarland University Hospital, which provides tertiary care in over 40 departments. 



Omniscope is a Biotech Company whose technology platform decodes the immune system in high resolution, and to inform therapy and develop diagnostics through the convergence of immune cell sequencing and artificial intelligence. 

Official website:  

Animal Health Research Center (CReSA) from the Institute for Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA)

IRTA-CReSA works on the research, technological development, and transfer of the health of animals, both farm and wildlife. In addition, it studies the implications for human consumption products and their effects on public health under the One Health approach. IRTA-CReSA has an enhanced BSL-3 infrastructure (BSL-3+) that includes animal facilities and laboratories.  

Official website: